Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chain Reactions

I was just reminded that I neglected to mention that I saw fireworks in my last post.

Which just reminded me that March the fifteenth is approaching.

And that April the ninth looms just over that particular horizon.

What has the past week consisted of? There was a cooking party at my place on Monday, then went to KB. Went to see the Iron Lady on complimentary passes at Vivo and had dinner at Burger King, followed by KB on Tuesday. Random Alexendra dinner on Wednesday. Dinner at Nex's Pizza Hut and practice on Thursday. Cheered someone up best as I could and had dinner at Sultan's Kitchen today. What a week!

February's been a tumultuous month. Pray that it isn't the calm between the storms right now!

Looking forward to LG tomorrow, hope there's a good turnout! ^^

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