Monday, March 12, 2012

Stellara Stargirl

Been reading through a stellar blog that I've been following for a while now (I remember the first post I read!). Wish I could've followed it from an earlier time.

Mummy and Daddy are away in Yunnan 'til the twenty-first. Got the house to myself 'til then!

Just had LifeGroup-cum-birthday celebration at my place. Nearly full attendance! Nearly. =( Guess it can't be helped... So nearly got my wish fulfilled too. There's a dynamic that's there when everyone is present. But still, I think we enjoyed ourselves a lot. I felt happy simply because we haven't enjoyed ourselves together ever since... I don't remember. ^^" More formal LifeGroup please! Liked the video teaching too, but it's a little hard to explain why!

Busy week ahead, playing for both prayer meet on Friday and service on Saturday, with corresponding practices on Monday and Wednesday respectively. Hope I don't get confused. There's IPPT on Tuesday too. I wish... it weren't so busy. But at the same time, I'm glad to be playing too~ =)

Warning: Abrupt ending ahead. Going to work out and then sleep. Adios!

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